Submit a file for malware analysis
Microsoft security researchers analyze suspicious files to determine if they are threats, unwanted applications, or normal files. Submit files you think are malware or files that you believe have been incorrectly classified as malware. For more information, read the submission guidelines.
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Microsoft Defender Response Portal
This portal is for internal use by Microsoft employees to report detection concerns to Microsoft Defender Research
Submit a file internally
Submit files so our analysts can check them for malicious characteristics. Provide the specific files that need to be analyzed and as much background information as possible.
SUBMIT A FILEEscalate to WD Response
WD Response serves as the primary contact point to our malware analysts. Submit your files through regular channels before contacting WD Response for special requests or submission follow-ups.
CONTACT WD RESPONSEAttack Surface Reduction
Report issues with undetected suspicious activities or activities that have been incorrectly detected (false positives).
Report issues with the detection and blocking of URLs and IP addresses.
NETWORK PROTECTIONSubmit a driver file for exploit analysis
Submit drivers for our analysts to check for malicious intent and vulnerabilities. Provide the specific files that need to be analyzed and as much background information as possible.
SUBMIT A DRIVERSubmit a file for malware analysis
Specify the file and provide information that will help us to efficiently handle your case.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Specify valid email addresses, separating each with a semicolon
Select a Microsoft security product
Specify the company name
Specify affected organization
Specify a valid customer email address
Select the number of affected devices
Use priority High option only during emergencies to address active malware
Select the file to submit
The selected file is too large ()
The selected file is empty
Select a date between 30 days and 5 years from now
Specify a detection name
Specify additional information
Review your submission
Company name
Was this file found in the Microsoft corporate network?
Affected organization
Customer email address
Number of affected devices
Submission priority
Software Assurance ID
Removal date
What do you believe this file is?
Detection name
Definition version
Additional information